divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

Description of a presenter

The name of the game show is ''Ahora caigo''.
The presenter's name is Artur Valls.
He's got short and brown hair.
He's got a big ears and big nose.
His eyes are brown, and small.
He wears a black and white suit, and black tie.

divendres, 21 de setembre del 2012

In the bedroom, the door in front of the chair.  
Your chair is next to the closet. 
The pictures are by the door
There is a chair beside the bed
In bed there are two pillows. The window is between two pictures.  
On the nighstand is a water jug​​. 
Are six pictures on the wall.

divendres, 13 d’abril del 2012

Class rules (obligation & prohibition)

-You must study.
-You must raise your hand.
-You must sit properly.
-You must copy the vocabulary in your notebook.

-You mustn't chew gum in classroom.
-You mustn't eat or drink in classroom.
-You mustn't open you partner's lockers.
-You mustn't visit facebook in class.

dimecres, 11 d’abril del 2012

The dolphin-Delphinidae

The dolphins are marine mammals.
They have got two fins and a dorsal fin.
They eat fish.
They can swim and jump.
They live in Europe, in the sea.
They have live babies.
Its skin is smooth.
They feed their babies with milk.
They brathe with lungs.

divendres, 23 de març del 2012

My imaginary animal!

It's a mammal.
It has got wings. It has got a spot around its eye, it has got rabbit teeth, and dry skin. It has got a very long tail. It has got one star in the skin and one heart.
They eat other animals.
They can fly and swim. It can spite fire.
They lay eggs.

dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

My imaginari animal

It's a mammal.
It has got a very long tail. It has got one star in the skin and one heart.
They eat other animals.
They can fly and swim. It can spit fire.
They live in the prairies.
They lay eggs.